This is just a blog of rants. And maybe some deep seated stuff that needs saying. For the sake of you know, emotional health and crap

Monday, March 21, 2011


So if you're not clear where you stand, what does that make you? Aside for uncertain...
There's faith in the bigger, greater things, that there is a G-d. That there is a purpose. That there is a reason hidden behind every subtle breeze that moves every bloody leaf and all that gorgeous stuff.
And then there's the cynicism, the skepticism, not even so much trying to point out flaws but just...realizing gradually that it doesn't add up.
That it boils down to whether or not you believe all the things you've been taught, and realizing that you love those facets of knowldge but you don't know if you can believe they're all true.
So where does that place you?
At an age to young to really know what's going on, with the humility to accept that yes, there might be more and an unwillingness to shut the door to something greater, what does that make you?
Because I have my doubts, and I don't feel guilt, but I doubt that I've really got it all figured out.

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